Routine Dental Treatment Procedures
Extractions, Tooth color filling, Scaling (cleaning), periodontal procedures, aesthetic restorations, removable orthodontic appliances, partial dentures, complete dentures, root canal treatment, crown & bridge procedures, preventive dental procedures, etc.
Specialized Treatment Procedures
Oral Cancer – Detection, Screening of potential cancer patients, various diagnostic procedures including biopsy, periodic check-ups of patients following oral cancer treatment and their rehabilitation, referral to appropriate specialized cancer centers if necessary.
Dental Management of Medically Compromised Patients under complete medical supervision. E.g., Diabetics, hypertensives, asthmatics, epileptics, cardiac patients, mentally and physically handicapped patients, and patients suffering from other systemic illnesses. House visits, if necessary, in case of debilitated patients.
Correction of abnormally positioned teeth by orthodontics (fixed/removable appliances) &/or surgical treatment.
Specialized oral and maxillofacial surgical treatment
management of maxillofacial injuries, including fractures of the mandible, maxilla, alveolus, zygoma, etc., cysts and tumors of the oro-facial region, the cosmetic correction of dentofacial deformities, jaw-joint dysfunctions, dentoalveolar surgery including impacted teeth, apicectomy, etc.